Employee Performance Monitoring System: Things To Keep In Mind Before Installing

Employee performance

Maintaining a constant flow of operations and a consistent standard of employee performance are a few of the most imperative and difficult responsibilities a manager must take on. Ensuring that every employee works to the best of their ability has to be justified with equally beneficial prerogatives. By carrying out regular appraisals and following up with timely rewards, a supervisor can transform the way employees perform tasks.


In this era of digital transformation, with the added pressures of the pandemic, organizations have found great utility in employing CCTV systems to monitor their sites. Cameras and sensors installed across facilities and data-sensitive areas allow employers to maintain decorum in the workplace.

There are numerous legitimate reasons why employers monitor employee performance using intelligent camera solutions. These include keeping employees safe by preventing crime, preventing employee misconduct, ensuring compliance to safety and hygiene protocols and other SOPs. These have proven beneficial for significant enterprises, driving their workforce towards improved productivity.

While this might sound like a great solution to employers, particular emphasis must be paid to how employees perceive this move. For this installation to give maximum output, you must ensure that your workforce is comfortable being recorded and has transparent knowledge of the purpose of the installed system.

A surveillance system can be used to infringe on employees’ privacy rights if not handled in a regulated environment. Limiting the use of these devices to restricted areas and informing your employees of the presence of a recording device in their province are the basics when it comes to employee performance monitoring.

An employer must protect the right of their employees while at the same time securing their business from any fraudulent activities. Finding the right balance for ethical surveillance is essential to create a compatible workplace environment.


1. Transparent communication

The purpose of an employee monitoring mechanism should be communicated to the employees via regulatory notice. According to corporate surveillance legislation, employers are under a duty to state when employees are under surveillance. While CCTV systems have been used in corporations to secure the facility, using it as an employee monitoring system must be specified and justified. The ambiguous use of these systems and subjective performance appraisal can be received as unlawfully discreet, hindering staff privacy rights.

Employees should be given notice before their data is recorded and dissected for performance monitoring. The purpose of the CCTV installation must be always clear to all employees.

2. You are under CCTV surveillance

Discreetly installed surveillance devices used to record employee movement across the office and their compliance to performance standards can harm employee morale.

Employers need to ensure that they put adequate and appropriate signage in areas where CCTV cameras are installed. It is important that supervisors disclose the information regarding all recording devices installed on-site. Inability to do so can result in infringement of rights and a lawsuit directed at the organization.

3. Draft data protection policies

For employees who are being monitored throughout their work hours, knowing the extent of surveillance being carried out is crucial. Without specific policies, an employee will always be in fear of being unjustifiably scrutinized.

It is important to remember that the purpose of the monitoring system is to help employees increase their productivity and not discourage them from carrying out their regular social activities.

Organizations that are vague in their description of the areas under surveillance or whether all conversations between employees are being recorded or not can create a distressing working environment.

It is advisable for employers to draft data protection policies related to the use of CCTV cameras. These should address the purpose of installation, areas in focus, and the extent of surveillance.

4. Limit areas under surveillance

Employee performance monitoring conducted by CCTV solutions should be restricted to areas where they perform their tasks. These could be around employee desks, conference rooms, production sites, and like. However, areas reserved for break hours or personal utilization by employees should be out of coverage.

Areas allocated for recreational purposes or canteens should be free from these recording devices, providing employees a sense of ease.


Monitoring employee performance has always been an essential task at the hands of supervisors to ensure efficient productivity throughout the day. This system of appraisal moved from manual supervision to CCTV-based monitoring. However, with the situational circumstances of the pandemic, most employees have moved their workstations into the safety of their homes.

Employers feel the need to measure up their staff’s productivity, now more than ever. Employee monitoring has transitioned into a more discreet and ever-present system of device surveillance to cope with the current limitations of work from home.

There is no shortage of digital tools for employee performance monitoring. Multiple solutions enable live video feeds, location tracking, screen recording, regularly scheduled snapshots, keystroke recording, or keyboard tracking.

Despite the easy availability of these options, monitoring has some risks attached. If an employee begins to feel like the subject of your surveillance, it can diminish their trust in the organization. Maintaining continuous and transparent communication with the workforce and inviting them to share their grievances regarding the system is one step closer to an efficient environment.

Having talked about the factors that affect employee’s trust in an organization, let us dive into the obvious – why do you need to monitor employee performance?

Human resources are one of the most important assets a company can own. Irrespective of how digitized our structure becomes, we need a driver who can put these technologies to the proper use. The emotional intelligence of a human cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.

As important as the human force may be, it can be equally harmful for an organization if not monitored. While many people may think that most theft losses come from non-employees,90% of all significant theft losses come from employees.

On the other hand, not every employee has a malicious purpose, and more often than not, losses to co-operations are caused by employee negligence or misconduct. CybelAngel finds that more than 90% of data breaches are due to failure to follow instructions.


Employee performance monitoring solutions are essential for minimizing the risk of loss of data and revenue – and a bad reputation.

IGZY’s employee monitoring system will enable you to monitor your employees’ activities throughout the day. Our cloud-based platform provides easy real-time access to all data stored onto the system for anywhere, anytime retrieval.

An amalgamated solution of intelligent sensors, IP cameras, cloud-based platform, and wide-ranging functionalities, our robust solution enables business owners to maintain a pleasant and well-regulated environment that drives employees towards efficiency.

Our solution is highly customizable and scalable. You do not have to worry about a standard solution that may not fulfill your requirements. To know more about our solution and customize one perfectly suitable for your organization, contact our product specialist today.

Need more information?

Read our blog – Impact of CCTV surveillance on Business Operations here.