Keyless Locks For Warehouses | Smart Access System For Warehouses

Imagine a worker needs access to the warehouse at odd hours on an urgent basis. The workers can either access it using a duplicate key or take the existing key in a normal scenario. What if you had a key management system for keyless locks for your warehouse; where in you could give authorized access at major gates to the required workforce? As a business, you have thousands of keys to take charge of to manage your security. If you hand over multiple keys to someone, it will pose a huge security risk and would not turn up to be a good practice in the long run. Even if you approve access to multiple people for specific keys, the process sounds more cumbersome, especially when, that is, out of office hours. No wonder, what if one of your employees duplicates a key and uses it for the wrong purpose? What kind of challenges do warehouses face when it comes to security management? Usually, there are multiple complaints in a warehouse wherein you hand over the key to an unauthorized person and risk losing your customer. This small instance may turn up into a huge loss and can damage your company’s reputation. There may also be a decline in revenue due to a lack of safety controls.
Multiple keys also come with a risk of storage issues. You need to report at specific intervals to track which worker has access to which key and at what time of the day. Multiple requests for key requirements may also confuse and allow room for illegal entries. Such requests are time-consuming in the long run and reduce the efficiency of important stakeholders within your workforce. On the contrary side, a keyless lock or digital door lock will ensure that authorized gates are accessible only to the right stakeholder and save you from the hassle of intrusion and theft. Wouldn’t it be better to control all your gates smartly?

How are keyless locks going to deliver value for any warehouse?

Keyless locks or smart access control solutions provide amazing benefits in terms of theft and security management. You can benefit from increased uptime, security, driving efficiency, reducing cost, and minimizing theft. Such advantages of keyless and digital locks secure your premises in the long run, build customers’ trust, and enhance your brand’s reputation.

What kind of features of a keyless warehouse usually helps a business to grow?

The keyless and digital door lock facility at a warehouse usually comprises multiple benefits that talk in the terms of tracking behaviour of access usage and time tracking. The keyless and digital door lock facility at a warehouse usually comprises multiple benefits that talk in the terms of tracking behaviour of access usage and time tracking. Following are various benefits that keyless facility at warehouse consists of:

1. Time controls and durations

When it comes to security management at the warehouse, security access control is not just one issue to keep track of but also the time frame used to have that access. Allowing higher times than required may not turn out to be a good strategy in the long run.

2. Record tracking

It may be the case when someone accessed the premises in a hurry and forgot to securely lock the premises. In such a case, photos of the user who accessed the location and property-locked asset need to be managed carefully. This would ensure timely theft prevention and security in check.

3. GPS Location

In case wherein you have a new person entering your premises who needs access control or if a new employee who has joined needs access; a traditional setup only allows you to escort the person to the desired location. On the contrary, with the facility of keyless locks for your warehouse, they can simply track the location and reach the location.

4. Time Stamp & Duration

A keyless or digital lock allows you to notify the entry and exit time at any gate and also notes the duration. It serves as an important asset for any warehouse wherein you can restrict an area from accessing for longer durations for security reasons. In such cases, an alert may be activated over this facility to ensure proper security.

How do warehouse keyless locks operate?

A keyless lock feature uses a facial recognition feature to minimize manpower cost. A user photo ID is required when facial recognition is enabled. A match between photo ID and human face will start the unlocking process. In case, where it doesn’t match, the app will show an error. Not just this, this will notify important stakeholders such as the manager and admin in this case.


Smart access control solutions have revamped the security landscape in the warehouse industry. A digital lock feature uses facial recognition or Bluetooth facility to unlock the lock and access the entry gate. Role-defined access roles prevent theft and unwanted intrusions.  It’s high time you upgrade your security system. IGZY provides a keyless lock for your warehouses, which has the features mentioned above and ensures compliance adherence at all access gates. For more information, contact us.